So What Does A Chiropractor Do?

At Advanced Care Chiropractic, our Chiropractor in Sydney CBD and Inner West Chiropractor takes great pride in providing the finest Chiropractic care to our patients. Below are some of the services we offer.

Sports injury treatment





Sporting Injuries

Sports Chiropractic is a great way to help athletes achieve better performance and aid recovery from sporting injuries. This is achieved by assisting the body towards better alignment, and by allowing joints and muscles to function at their best.

Sporting injuries that our Sports Chiropractor may help with include :

  • hamstring strains
  • calf strains
  • ankle sprains
  • shin splints
  • tennis elbow
  • golfers elbow
  • achillies tendinitis
  • shoulder impingement


As Chiropractors, we provide therapy to assist healing at the site of an injury and also assess and correct the underlying structural issues. Thus we can achieve a more complete resolution of your injury and avoid recurrence.

Our Sydney Chiropractor at Advanced Care Chiropractic may use several treatment methods for patients with sprains or strains, which are vital to the healing process and reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

Contact Us today for your sport injury chiropractic care today!

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Advanced Care Chiropractic
24 Henry St, Lewisham
NSW 2049, Australia

Advanced Care Chiropractic
27 King St, Sydney
NSW 2000, Australia

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